Who We Are


It was during my time on MasterChef UK that Mum’s arthritis became the worst I had ever seen it. Whilst I was enjoying writing recipes and in a complete cookery zone, we decided to invent a diet plan with recipes to make the diet sustainable for her. We are obviously not suggesting that you stop taking medication, but that you use this blog as an information base to make eating anti-inflammatory foods achievable and even enjoyable (and in turn easing the pain and effects of arthritis). We will show you how Mum got to the point she is at now - starting with a new and exciting recipes for our 'essential' ingredients, plus some interesting research we have found from hours and hours of reading and deciphering jornals, articles and well anything we can get our hands on!


After a very bad reaction to the medication I was prescribed for psoriatic arthritis, I had to stop the treatment in September 2011.  I was advised to start on alternative medication but felt so ill that I wanted a break before taking any more drugs.  I had been looking at alternative ways to deal with arthritis, I bought books, went to the library, searched the internet and got as much information as I could and sifted through until I came up with a diet plan. At that time I had to go up and down stairs one at a time and couldn't get in and out of the bath so had to shower. 

After only six months I improved dramatically, I now attend aqua aerobics classes and have been told by the Rheumatology Consultant that I don't have to return to the hospital for six months as my test results are almost normal. I still have the odd day when I ache and feel tired but I am looking forward to getting back to our allotment again.  Last year I wasn't up to gardening or housework but struggled through as we do.

Basically I have done this by cutting out red meat and also limiting my intake of all dairy products, eggs and wheat. When I tell people this, the first thing they ask is 'what on earth do you eat then?' So hence this blog.  With the help of my daughter, Emma we created a diet plan that includes foods that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and excludes those that can play havoc on the joints. Emma’s wonderful cookery and recipe writing skills have actually made the diet enjoyable. 

I wanted to share my experience as it may help others with arthritis as a supplement to the medication they take, rather than as a replacement.  Although I don't take prescribed medication now I do take devils claw, cod liver oil and omega 3 supplements every day.

You may find the diet hard going at first but after you have stuck to it for a few weeks and you start to feel the wonderful effects, you will wish you had started years ago!

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