Monday, 30 April 2012

Essential Ingredient: Cherries

Cherries have been proven to have natural anti-inflammation power – attributed to antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins which also give cherries their bright red colour.
A growing body of research suggests cherries could reduce inflammation related to heart disease, arthritis and may even help maintain muscle strength for those suffering from fibromyalgia a common and chronic widespread pain disorder.
Because they have stones that can be very fiddly and messy to remove, it is more ideal to store frozen and dried cherries. They can be added to breakfast cereals and yoghurts, smoothies and all desserts. One great way to use both frozen and dried cherries is in a fruit compote.

Stewed fruit compote with soy yoghurt and honey

100g frozen fruit (berries such as strawberries and raspberries are great - and cherries of course)
1 apple, cored and chopped, skin on
2 plums, stone removed and chopped
50g dried cherries
2 tsp sugar or honey

The fruit can be either stewed over a low heat in a pan for 15 minutes or in a microwave on a medium power setting. Just be sure for both methods to cover with a lid and stir every 1-2 minutes to stop from burning or sticking. It may look a little watery but once left to cool it thickens up and the fruit flavour intensifies. It is not overly sweet so you may want to add more honey once it is cool.
It is great for breakfast or lunch with whole wheat pancakes, low-fat/soy yoghurt or even spread on toast as a chunky jam.

- Emma

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